Channel: Hellobee Boards Topic: Need breastfeeding encouragement.
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jedeve on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

I knew it could be hard...but honestly I expected to deal with issues like supply, not pain. I so firmly believed the "it doesn't hurt if you are doing it right" that I thought since I knew what w good...

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CupQuakeWalk on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

Ok- I remember being 2w PP & hating BFing because it was insanely painful & stressful. I thought there was no way I could do it & I didn't see any light at the end of the tunnel. It took...

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runsyellowlites on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

The first few weeks are tough & knowing that I can say you're doing AMAZING! Sometimes babes mouth is just small and you have to get past some initial growth before they can really get that boob in...

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jedeve on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

@TurtleDoves: the LC in the hospital told me it was him having the issues, not me. I never thought blaming something on a few hour old baby would feel so good!

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MamaCate on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

@jedeve: I think it took 6 weeks for me not to have toe-curling pain every time LO latched on. Her latch was good etc etc it was just not the kind of work that my nips were used to! You both have to...

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CupQuakeWalk on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

@jedeve: yep! Lol. Just wait---he will get "situated" in this world and he will learn to respond better to direction and instruction;) It does get better!

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matador84 on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

I had an lc tell me to put hydrocortisone and neosporin on my nipple and hang with it. I did and it got amazingly better! Soooooo glad I stuck with it! If you use that, just make sure to wash your...

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MamaJ on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

I had the exact same issues. Seriously exact same! It just took time. My LO is 7 weeks now and he does great now. It just took a lot of tears and pain to get here. I wanted to give up constantly. I...

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Thenetexan on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

I too remember how tough it was at that point. I can remember literally crying in pain. If you can afford one, I would recommend seeing an LC. I know you saw one the hospital, but a current evaluation...

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jedeve on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

@MamaJ: when did it start getting better? It seems like everything says it should get better around two weeks so its just discouraging we are here and still struggling. (Though on the bright side he...

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runsyellowlites on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

@jedeve: 2 weeks?! Those people are full of crap! lol Things started leveling out for us right about 6 weeks... at 2 weeks the poo was hitting the fan with oversupply, choking at letdown, colic. Le...

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Katm558 on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

I hear ya, sister! I also struggled with the same issues with oth of my boys and I just wanted to give up so badly. That type of pain is a special type of torture, because its not just physical, it's...

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MamaJ on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

@jedeve: I think around 4 weeks it was a little better then at 5 it was a lot better but my nipples were still healing ( I still used the shield on my left one until it healed because it was damaged...

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Baby Boy Mom on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

I'm with the others...the first weeks were so painful and we had a host of issues. After 6 weeks though things started to get exponentially better, and we were able to nurse well past the first year. I...

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skibobrown on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

Does it hurt the entire time, or just at the beginning? At the beginning is normal I think... but if you could down from ten when baby latches and are still feeling true pain, then something probably...

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Maysprout on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

Best wishes. Do you think he's not latching deep enough? One thing that I liked when she was small was laying on my side with my elbow and her little head in the crook of my elbow, it seemed help he...

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Ree723 on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

Ugh, the initial few weeks of BF'ing suck royally. For the first two to three weeks, it was toe curling, tears to the eyes, I want to give this up right now pain every single feed. I seriously dreaded...

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Mrs. Superhero on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

Another vote for 6 weeks here. With my first that was how long it took. I was literally bleeding and the LC said that her latch looked fine. So yes, you can be doing it right and still be in pain. But...

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Mrs. Tricycle on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

Not the "standard" advice, but I love my nipple shield. I've been using it for 2 months and have had no issues. I occasionally try to do without, but Im not stressing about it. It made breastfeeding...

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lemondrop on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

I used the nipple shield for 3 weeks- especially at night when I was tired. Why wean from the nipple shield immediately? Take your time if you are hurting, it isn't worth dreading every feeding!Use...

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birdofafeather on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

Another vote for finding a lactation support group. I went to one run by my hospital and it was awesome. I had a question about DD's tongue tie, but got a lot of great info from the questions other...

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cyndistar3 on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

Your post fits my past situation to a t! We had the same exact issues and I nearly cried every single time she got hungry, I dreaded nursing because of the initial latch. For me it got better at 4ish...

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autumn865 on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

Although we didn't have the same issues as you with BFing I can so relate to your frustration. I always thought to BF was just the most natural thing in the world and it was something that would come...

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Penny Lane on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

@jedeve: I've written about my BF ing story (http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/breastfeeding-success-stories if you want the mid length story)Short story: terrible latch, even though it looked perfect....

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tequiero21 on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

I think it took me at least a month to get into the groove. I thought for sure I was doing it wrong so I saw a LC. Supposedly all was well and we just needed the time. Still going strong at almost 10...

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oahujeni on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

Don't give up, it does get better like everyone says! Going to a BF group every week has helped me immensely, please try and find one!

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hilsy85 on "Need breastfeeding encouragement."

It really does get better. I did not believe that at all when I was going thru the worst of it and crying they every nursing session from pain. For me it took longer than average--about 8.5/9 wks. And...

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